Welcome to the waiting room, the doctor will be in shortly.
I am Dr. Madison Muttnick, orthopedic surgeon and amateur detective.
After checking in with my receptionist, please have a seat and stay awhile.
We can talk and make the correct diagnosis to cure your problem.

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's been a while

Sorry I have neglected to post for some time. It has been a very busy two months. I have had four of my essays posted on http://www.CriminalElement.com. I have several more which I hope will be published in the near future.

I have a short story waiting for a final decision, thumbs up or down from Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.

I have a manuscript with the first fifty pages sitting on the desk of a real live literary agent. How the hell did that happen? I pitched it to him at the Edgar Cocktail Party. He must have been drunk.

During this excitement, I managed to cultivate a gangrenous gallbladder and had it taken out laparoscopically. I am researching my next novel manuscript, and reviewing one of the best books I have found so far on editing your work. Stein on Writing by Sol Stein.

I have another short story that is running around in my head, but that will have to wait until I see what happens at AHMM.

So please drop by here and http://www.CriminalElement.com to see what silly thing I have ranted about now. Enjoy.

Lewis Preschel MD aka TheMadMutt aka Dr. Madison Muttnick.

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