Welcome to the waiting room, the doctor will be in shortly.
I am Dr. Madison Muttnick, orthopedic surgeon and amateur detective.
After checking in with my receptionist, please have a seat and stay awhile.
We can talk and make the correct diagnosis to cure your problem.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Several new posts at Criminal Element

Since I last posted here, I have completed several new essays for Criminal Element. They have since been posted. I hope that you visit that site and read mine as well as the other writer's works. The blog has many interesting essays about crime, and crime fiction. It deals with many media forms including the written word, television, and films. It also deals with the history of crime fiction. Many successful authors post on it and there are excerpts from newly published books there as well.

Here is a direct link to that Macmillian sponsored blog Criminal Element

Hunt the sight and find what you want.
Good Luck Hunting. No Matt Damon plagiarism there.

The Mad Mutt.