Macmillan Publisher has a new website:
It is a collection of essays and excerpts from manuscripts by previously published mystery writers and neophytes like yours truly. My first essay Don’t Try This At Home was published on April 24th, 2011. It was received quite well to my happy surprise. See why Mel Gibson is full of shoulder when he slams his joint back in during Lethal Weapon ii. See the error of an award winning author in a best selling Novel, that is in paperback. I will be writing often about medical errors in popular novels, but I will also write about television mysteries, and the historical basis of criminology, such as fingerprinting and the use of DNA.
I’ll be posting a serial of articles on fingerprints through history and literature. I should interest those who like minutia as well as interesting historical stories. My subtle sense of humor is sprinkled through out like a two year-old boy who is watering the lawn because he can’t hold it in anymore.
So tell your friends who like and read mysteries and those who like to watch mystery shows on television that this site will have many interesting essays. In the future I plan to diagnosis Dr. Megan Hunt’s parathesias. She is the star of the ABC television show, “Body of Proof.”
There will also be a piece on the problems I have as a physician with the logic and premise of some of the mysteries that are very popular, by authors who are best sellers. I am fearless in tackling reality as portrayed in fiction.
So here is the link to
Go there. Have Fun. Leave me a comment.
To go to the first several Chapters of The Fatal Blow, A Madison Muttnick Murder Mystery, use this internal link. In the beginning Or go to the archives of this blog, Date of posting 21April 2011.
TheMadMutt aka Dr. Lewis Preschel
Aren’t you Mad too?